clash of clan
clash of clan new loading screen
Hiii chief….whats up…how is your gaming going on???....are you ready to gear up for town hall 14?????

Town hall 13 was released in December 2019. After a long long wait, finally, supercell officially announced that “town hall 14 is on the go”. Lots of new surprises like new defence levels, new Hero levels, new Troop levels, and much more are waiting just for only you guys.

Although town hall 14 is not released globally, supercell has given its early access to some clash of clans YouTube content creators like SUMIT007,LEXIOUS GAMING, etc. In this article, we are going to unbox all the secrets related to the biggest clash of clans update of the, what are you waiting for ….lets get into it directly.


Town Hall 14 new update
new town hall 14

Let’s take a look at this incredible unit that we’re all enamoured with: Town Hall 14. This town hall, which is based on the theme of the wild, contains classical pictograms and hieroglyphs that certainly share traditional Clash knowledge.


16M Gold2M Gold2M Elixir20K Dark Elixir8900

TOWNHALL 14 Storage Capacity (Gold) :

16M Gold2M Gold2M Elixir20K Dark Elixir89

TOWNHALL 14 Storage Capacity (Elixir):

2M Elixir

TOWNHALL 14 Storage Capacity (Dark Elixir):

20K Dark Elixir

TOWNHALL 14 Hit Points



20 days

Upgrade TimeUpgrade Dark Elixir CostStorage Capacity (Gold)Storage Capacity (Elixir)Storage Capacity (Dark Elixir)Hit Points
20 days16M Gold2M Gold2M Elixir20K Dark Elixir8900

Upgrading to town hall 14 unlocks lots and lots more things. Now let’s discuss them

[1] Level 12 laboratory::

Upgrade Time elixire CostHit Points
12d12M Elixir1280

[2] Level 10 clan castle::

Upgrade Time CostTroop CapacitySpell StorageSiege MachineHit Points
20d19M Gold45315200

[3] Level 15 Gold Storage::

Upgrade Time CostStorage CapacityHit Points
12d6M gold4.5M Gold/Elixir3700

[4] Level Elixir Storage::

Upgrade Time CostStorage CapacityHit Points
12d6M Elixir4.5M Gold/Elixir3700

[5]Level 9 Dark Elixir Storage::

Upgrade Dark Elixir Time CostStorage CapacityHit Points
15d12M Elixir330K Dark Elixir4100

[6]Level 20 Cannon::

upgrade Time CostDAMAGE PER SECONDHit Points
17d17.5M Gold1542150

[7]Level 13 Hidden Dark Elixir Tesla::

Upgrade TimeCostDAMAGE PER SECONDHit Points
18d18M Gold1501350

[8] Level 9 Bomb Tower::

Upgrade Time CostDAMAGE PER SECONDDamage when Dark elixir destroyedHit Points
18d18.5M Gold845002300

[9]Level 8 Inferno Tower::

Upgrade Time CostDAMAGE PER SECOND# of TargetsHit Points
19d19M Gold2300/1051/63700

[9]Level 5 Eagle Artillery

Upgrade Time CostDAMAGE PER SECONDShockwave DamageHit Points
20d20M Gold500405600

[10]Level 3 Scattershot::

Upgrade Time CostDAMAGE PER SECONDHit Points
19d19M Gold1904800

[11]Bomb Level 10::

Upgrade Time CostDamageArea of Effect
8d6M Gold1403 Tiles
town hall 14 defences

[12]Walls Level 15::

Upgrade Dark Elixir cost per piecehitpoint
7M gold or elixir12.5k

[13]Barbarian King Levels 76-80::

Levelupgrade Time CostDAMAGE PER SECONDHit PointsRegen TimeAbility Level
768d305K DARK ELIXIR55910,49040m15
778d310K DARK ELIXIR56810,68040m15
788d315K DARK ELIXIR57710,87040m15
798d320K DARK ELIXIR58611,06040m15
808d325K DARK ELIXIR59511,25042m16

[14] Barbarian King Level 16(iron fist)::

Damage IncreaseHealth RecoverySpeed Increase Summoned Units

[15]Archer Queen Levels 76-80::

Levelupgrade Time CostDamage per secondHit PointsRegen TimeAbility Level
768d306K Dark elixir820342540m15
778d312K Dark elixir825346040m15
788d318K Dark elixir830349540m15
798d324K Dark elixir835353040m15
808d330K Dark elixir840356542m16

[15] Archer Queen ability level Level 16(Royal Cloak)::

Damage IncreaseHealth RecoveryAbility Time Summoned Units

[16]Grand Warden Dark Elixir Levels 51-55::

LevelUpgrade Time CostDamage per secondHit PointsRegen TimeAbility Level
518d17M Elixir303246040m10
528d17.5M Elixir307248040m10
538d18M Elixir311250040m10
548d18.5M Elixir315252040m10
558d19M Elixir319254042m11

[17]Grand Warden Dark Elixir ability level 11(Eternal Tome/Life Aura Level 11)::

Ability TimeHP IncreaseMax HP Increase

[18]Royal Champion Levels 26-30::

LevelUpgrade timeCostDAMAGE PER SECONDHit PointsRegen TimeAbility Level
268d300K Dark elixir560414040m5
278d305K Dark elixir565418040m5
288d310K Dark elixir570422040m5
298d315K Dark elixir575426040m5
308d320K Dark elixir580430042m6

[19] Royal champion ability level 6( Seeking Shield Level 6)::

DamageHealth Recovery Targets

[20] New Barbarian level 10::

TroopLevelupgrade Time CostDamage per secondHit PointsTraining TimeTraining Cost
Barbarian1014d15M Elixir422405s400 Elixir

[21] New Archer level 10::

TroopLevelupgrade Time CostDamage per secondHit PointsTraining TimeTraining Cost
Archer1014d15.5M Elixir34606s800 Elixir

[22] New Wall Breaker level 10::

TroopLevelupgrade Time CostDamage per secondHit PointsTraining TimeTraining Cost
Wall Breaker1016d16M Elixir94/5413015s2400 Elixir

[23] New Baby Dragon level 8::

TroopLevelupgrade TimeCostDamage per secondHit PointsTraining TimeTraining Cost
Baby Dragon816d 12h17M Elixir14519001m 30s12K Elixir

[24] New  Minion level 10::

TroopLevelupgrade TimeCostDamage per secondHit PointsTraining TimeTraining Cost
Minion1016d 12h300K DARK ELIXIR7010818s13 DARK ELIXIR

[25] New Valkyrie level 9::

TroopLevelupgrade time Time CostDamage per secondHit PointsTraining TimeTraining Cost
Valkyrie917d310K DARK ELIXIR20818501m 30s250 DARK ELIXIR

[26] New Level 7 Healer::

Upgrade TimeCostTroop HealHero HealHit PointsTraining TimeTraining Cost
17d17M Elixir726217002m20K Elixir

[27] Level 6 Ice Golem::

upgrade Time CostDAMAGE PER SECONDFreeze Time when Dark elixirestroyedHit PointsTraining TimeTraining Cost
17d320K DARK ELIXIR447.5s36002m 30s320 Dark Elixir

[28]New Super Barbarian Troop Levels 10::

Super TroopLevelDAMAGE PER SECONDHit PointsTraining TimeTraining Cost
Super Barbarian10220120025s2000 Elixir

[29]New Super Archer Troop Levels 10::

Super TroopLevelDAMAGE PER SECONDHit PointsTraining TimeTraining Cost
Super Archer101445501m 12s9600 Elixir

[30]New Super Wall Breaker Troop Levels 10::

Super TroopLevelDAMAGE PER SECONDHit PointsTraining TimeTraining Cost
Super Wall Breaker10130/3134751m9600 Elixir

[31]New Inferno Dragon Troop Levels::

Super TroopLevelDAMAGE PER SECONDHit PointsTraining TimeTraining Cost
Inferno Dragon882-166022002m 15s18K Elixir

[32]New Super Minion Troop Levels::

Super TroopLevelDAMAGE PER SECONDHit PointsTraining TimeTraining Cost
Super Minion1035017001m 48s78 Dark elixir

[33]New Super Valkyrie Troop Levels::

Super TroopLevelDAMAGE PER SECONDHit PointsTraining TimeTraining Cost
Super Valkyrie932525003m 45s625 Dark elixir

[34]Level 7 Clone spell::

Upgrade TimeUpgrade CostCloned CapacityCost
16d 12h16.5M Elixir3837K Elixir

[35]Level 8 Poison Spell::

Upgrade TimeUpgrade CostMax Damage per secondSpeed DecreaseAttack Rate DecreaseCost
17d 12h300K DE30046%68%200 Dark elixir

[36] Town hall 14 Giga Inferno:

In case of town hall 14 giga inferno it is exact same as town hall 13  but in addition it exerts a poison bomb after destruction.

LevelUpgrade CostUpgrade TimeDamage per secondDmg When DestroyedMax DPSSpeed DecreaseAttack Rate Decrease# of Targets
29M Gold9d300100012035%35%4
311M Gold11d300100014040%40%4
413M Gold13d300100016045%45%4
515M Gold14d300100018050%50%4

Upgrading to Town Hall 14 unlocks these defences:

25x new Wall pieces

1x Air Bomb

1x Seeking Air Mine

1x Skeleton Trap

1x Bomb

1x Giant Bomb

Town hall 14 surprise element:

If I ask, what is the most weakest building in your village???….. everybody will unitedly say that builder hut. This time supercell has decided to upgrade builder hall.

LevelUpgrade timeCost(elixir)Damage per secondRepair per secondHit pointTypeFavourite targetrange
10o0 250nanana
2109.5M gold80501000Ground and airAny6 tiles
31212.5M gold100551300Ground and airAny6tiles
41415.5M120601600Ground and airany6tiles

Other changes:

(1) Level 6 The space impact of clone Spell house from 33 to 34 was improved.

(2) Super Giant HP was cut by 200

(3) Super Minion DPS is down by 50. HP has been up to 100

(4) DPS from 80-1600 to 79-1580 and HP by 50 was decreased by the amount of Inferno dragon.

(5) The time of cool down of Inferno Dragon beam from 0.5s to 0.6s was increased

(6) Increase by 1 for level 4 and over level 8 clans max spell count by Inferno Tower has six beams in multi inferno mode

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View Comments (2)
  1. Pritam Mondal

    Thanks for this update…. It’s really valuable…. Keep updated us right this way…. Take love and support

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